What are the key elements of a strong dissertation conclusion?


It is believed that a strong dissertation conclusion effectively provides a complete summary of your research. The dissertation service makes sure to reinforce the significance of all your findings. Below mentioned are some of the key elements that are important to include:

1. Restating the Research Problem: Always begin by restating the research problem that is going to be addressed in your dissertation. It reminds the reader to focus on your study.

2. Providing a Summary of Key Findings: It is good to provide a concise summary of all your major findings. Make sure to highlight the most significant results.

3. Discuss the Implications: Ensure to explain the broader implications of your findings. Do not forget to discuss how they are going to contribute to the field.

4. Addressing the Limitations: Always acknowledge the existence of any limitations of your study. Discuss how these limitations are going to affect your results.

5. Suggesting Future Research: It is said to propose areas for future research that can help you to build on your findings.

6. Reflecting on the Research Process: Discuss what you have learned during the whole process of the research.


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